500mm (100% crop) f/9 1/160 ISO 100
really hasn't been much written about this lens. We picked the lens up last year after visiting
the San Diego Zoo Safari Park
and decided we need slightly long reach than what the 70-200 gave us. Looking around we found that Sigma had just
released an updated version of their 150-500 in a Sony A mount and decided to
give it a try getting a Sony LA-EA4 A to E adaptor as well. We ordered both and frankly crossed our
fingers hoping that the weight wouldn't be too much of a factor and that
we'd be able to have a fast auto-focus.
In short we were pleased on all counts.
500mm (100% crop) f/6.3 1/160 ISO 100
While we
picked up the lens and adaptor last year we hadn't had a real chance to test it
until recently. That's changed this week
as we are sneaking out into our backyard and photographing the
"wildlife" that visit us.
500mm (100% crop) f/11 1/1000 ISO 800
There are
5-samples included in this post. All
were captured using Sandy 's
Sony A7r; all were captured handheld at 500mm, ISO set to auto. All the files were first open in Capture One
Pro where a lens correction was performed and focus check done. The files were then brought into Photoshop CC
where a shake reduction filter was applied (we routinely do this with any
handheld shot). The image was then
cropped at 100%, processed in NIK software because we wanted to and saved as a
500mm (100% crop) f/11 1/1000 ISO 5000
If you're
thinking of picking this lens up - do so.
It's well worth the money. We're
not only pleased with the quality of the Sigma lens we're equally pleased with
the Sony LA-EA4. We plan on writing more
about this combination in the future so you should watch for future updates.
500mm (100% crop) f/6.3 1/160 ISO 100
& Don