Phase One DF\IQ160 Mamiya 120mm f/8 1/250 ISO 50
We've been going to Yellowstone at least once a week during
September to see the changing of colors as well as visiting different geyser
spots and there's certainly no lack of thermal activity in Yellowstone . What we quickly noticed is the vast array of
colors found near the geysers.
Canon 1DsIII 24mm f/11 1/160 ISO 100
Canon 1DsIII 4mm f/11 1/125 ISO 100
Before we go any further we invite our readers to visit the
following Wikipedia sites for much more information than we could ever share
here. Yellowstonegeothermal features and Fumarole.
Canon 1DsIII 38mm f/13 1/160 ISO 100
Phase One DF\IQ160 120mm f.5.6 1/200 ISO 50
Cambo WRS\IQ160 f/8 1/45 ISO 50
Our first visit was to Black
Sand Basin
that's less than a mile north from Upper
Geyser Basin
and Old Faithful . Our second visit lead us to Old Faithful and
the boardwalk around Upper
Geyser Basin .
Looking into the shallow pools near the geysers and larger
pools is much like looking at clouds.
Well almost. Have you ever looked
at clouds and seen shapes, forms and maybe animals? Looking into the shallow pools is much the
same. We dare you to take a walk along
the boardwalk of any geyser basin and not have your imagination run wild as you
look into the shallow pools.
Phase One DF\IQ160 55mm LS f/2.8 1/100 ISO 100
We're not finished as we still have several more basins
including Biscuit, Midway and Great Fountain Geyser as well as the Morning
Glory Pool back in the Upper
Geyser Basin . Our goal is to get to as many of these as
possible before the Park closes the south entrance for the winter.
Canon 1DsIII 42mm f/13 1/160 ISO 100
Anyone else see a rocking horse?
Canon 1DsIII 45mm f/13 1/160 ISO 100
The images included here have all been captured using either
Sandy's Canon 1DsIII along with a EF24-70 or Don's Phase One IQ160 digital back
connected to either a Cambo WRS technical camera and Schneider 35mm lens or a
Phase One DF body and either a Schneider 55mm LS or Mamiya 120mm macro lens.
Canon 1DsIII 70mm f/13 1/160 ISO 100
Phase One DF\IQ160 120mm f/8 1/250 ISO 50
The processing was performed using a combination or Capture
One Pro and Photoshop CS6 along with some help at times with NIK software.
Phase One\IQ160 120mm f/8 1/250 ISO 50
100% crop of above
We hope you enjoy the images and stay tuned for more as we
continue to explore Yellowstone Geyser Basins.
Sandy & Don