Thursday, March 15, 2012

Using a Phase One DF/P65+ like a point-n-shoot

Ready For Action
f/11 1/350 ISO50 (converted to black & white using Nik Silver Efex Pro)

Leaving San Antonio earlier than we had expected we found we had several hours before our next stop.  While we could have kept going into Louisiana stopping at one of the many casinos we saw advertized we opted to head south into Galveston and Seawolf Park. 

f/8 1/350 ISO50

f/8 1/350 ISO50

f/8 1/350 ISO50

If you Google the park you'll learn the park sits at the end of the road overlooking the bay and Port of Galveston.  There's a three-story pavilion in the park however it's surrounded by a fence with the building having seen much better days - years ago. While nice looking from a distance the closer you get the more scars you see.  People don't go here for the nearly demolished pavilion.  They come here to fish and watch the ships as they enter or leave the Port.

f/11 1/350 ISO50

f/11 1/350 ISO50

The other attractions include the chance visit two-WW II warships; the submarine Cavalla, and the destroyer escort, USS Stewart.  It cost us $16.00 for the two-of us to enter the park an take the tour of the ships.

Fly By
f/11 1/350 ISO50

f/11 1/350 ISO50

The images included here are all from the Phase One DF, Phase One 80mm and P65+ digital back.  Can you say "overkill"?  A great point-n-shoot system.

Enjoy the images...

Sandy & Don

You'll notice that there's no images of the submarine.  Sandy told Don to take some however he never did so blame it on him....

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